
Disability Essentials

George from Jesus Club Gladesville

Recommended Reading

A book by Dr Louise Gosbell, 'Everyone Welcome' - Accessible church for all.

Everyone Welcome: Accessible Church for All

By Dr. Louise Gosbell on behalf of the Social Issues Committee of the Anglican Church, Diocese of Sydney.

A comprehensive resource to understand how to make churches more accessible for all people. The publication needs an exploration of theological foundations for disability-inclusive ministries and practical steps and resources to welcome people with different disabilities into our church community.

Disability in Mission book cover

Disability in Mission: The Church's Hidden Treasure

By ed. Deuel, David C. and John, Nathan G. Social Issues Committee of the Anglican Church, Diocese of Sydney.

Disability in Mission: The Church's Hidden Treasure outlines a radical change in approaches to missiology, missions, and praxis for the twenty-first-century global cultural context. It explores a pattern whereby God works powerfully in missions through disability and not in spite of it. No matter what our disability or vulnerability may be, God can use us; and if the body of Christ is supportive, people with disability can be effective agents of transformation in the mission field. Via a number of case studies of people with disabilities who are involved in missions, and with robust biblical and missiological justification, this book examines the role of those with disability in missions.

Infinite hope book cover

Infinite Hope ... In the Midst of Struggles Paperback

By by Joni Eareckson Tada .

Infinite Hope, rich with inspirational true stories and breathtaking artwork, will bless you with the kind of hope that never fades and always brightens the darkest paths of life. This is no ordinary hope, but instead a life-transforming hope. It is a hope that will fill you with confidence and inspire you to find peace with yourself and your circumstances. Stories and insights about suffering and the goodness of God, along with illustrations from Joni Eareckson Tada and Jill DeHaan, will give you a richer, deeper love for Christ, the Blessed Hope.

Inside Asperger's looking out book cover

Insider Asperger's Looking Out

By Kathy Hoopmann

Inside Asperger's Looking Out follows in the best-selling footsteps of Kathy Hoopmann's All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome and All Dogs Have ADHD. Through engaging text and full-color photographs, this book shows neurotypicals how Aspies see and experience the world. Each page brings to light traits that many Aspies have in common, from sensitive hearing and an aversion to bright lights and strong smells, to literal thinking and difficulty understanding social rules and reading body language and facial expressions.

At the same time, the book highlights and celebrates the unique characteristics that make those with Asperger's Syndrome special. This is the perfect introduction to the world of Aspies, told from their own perspective, for the people in their lives: including family, friends, and classmates. Those with Asperger's Syndrome will also appreciate this book for the way it shares their own singular perspectives on life.